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7 Mar 2006 - 15 Oct 2007
About this capture
Sir James Driskill


USA 94621
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Vision Statement:
Email subscription: Yes
Faith: Wicca/Shamanism
Relationship status: Single
UCS Member since: 10/10/2005
Last login: 5/29/2006
Last update: 2/22/2006

Personal Introduction

In The Mindway :

It's the pathway the mind travels that is so sacred. We are all sharing together so free without hatred. There are no limits to stop us so no reason to quit. The universe of happiness & it's discovery is out there;

Let's get on it it's our trip.

We know it exists today because so many of us have personally experience it and speak about it with face to face language. We have it, but it has an unusual characteristic that provides no means of a historical chronicle should it decay to ruins. It is silent to our ears; no audio recording can exist. It is invisable to our eyes; no photographs can be taken. Can't touch it, no smell or taste. It does exist and what exists around our world usually follows either natural effects of time decay and withering away by accidental or hostile acts of destruction. Should it disappear it will be lost.

- An Individual Human Thought-
Monday, October 14th, 1996 07:48PM PT
The Birth of "In The Mindway"

My goal is to have these words fully exposed IN CONTINOUS MOTION in all lanaguage translations possible -- which would be mega points of partial thoughts everwhere on our globe -- A quantum exponential function of continuous proton/electron actions of anti-decay. Of course attached to what humans share and keep for all infinite time of human kind. Remove my human given namesake of the supplanter onto history as well.

Belive our power to vision... see [ meme : sigil (magic) ]



Web Site
Name: The pathway that the mind travels...
Description: In The Mindway

It's the pathway the mind travels that is so sacred. We are all sharing together so free without hatred. There are no limits to stop us so no reason to quit. The universe of happiness & it's discovery is out there; Let's get on it it's our trip.

-- It is a spiritual, theological, and magickal pathway of shared thought that passes within all souls in the universe or as powerfully simple as just "You and I"

We bear forward into history, take what we like,handle the expected, brace for the unexpected, hold onto what we find sacred, invite who is honorable, resist what is harmful, bend or force or break what we think is fatal, mend what was broken accidentally.

What each of us chooses to keep in our own mindway, we give outward to others. Greater than just words alone.

The tools offered us to be or not to be...

Art, a handshake, music, a courteous act of kindness to a stranger in public, a honest smile, and all of the infinite facetswell beyond what is already imaginable.

Mindway is neither... ...good or bad... ... the dark side exists ...

I choose to stay in the light and walk away from the dark ... it has a reason and purpose to respect.

Sometimes I don't succeed and fail -- but always --

I do care.

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