HRSA’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS program (hashtagRWHAP) is leading the way to hashtagEndtheEpidemic. 86% of clients receiving care through RWHAP were virally suppressed. hashtagpublichealth hashtagYearInReview hashtaghealthcare hashtagHIV hashtagHIVMatters
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We still have not acknowledged the negative outlook employee reviews or other reviews that are showing against the end trenches social service agencies that I have researched is a nationally systemic problem that this Glassdoor review for Cascade Aids Project [ Image Attached ] reflects what I find is the foundation model that the agencies business model has been developed under.  This from the start of the Ryan White Care Act.  I have my own experiences beyond the employee tier reports of these dysfunctional agencies to also carry forward a story of hate, harassment, and retaliatory actions against me conducted by the leaders [ directors ] of these agencies targeting me leading two evictions in two different regional areas.  Don't insult my intelligence and tell me that this conspiracy does not exist. hashtagConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP  No one can bring up these matters without being hated on. I have a collective regional research directory with my Glassdoor reviews found [ the bad ones along with the good reviews ] and I can see a trend in these reviews of a hate interface paradigm against clients best outcomes.  Can you help?

This Google Review from an internal point of view as this reviewer is a member of the Inland Empire HIV Planning Council.  In this review Mr. Jacobson says to clients, "Run As Far and As Fast Away from the agency as you can"  and "they treat HIV consumers with contempt and unprofessionalism"  --- there is also an accusation of misappropriations of Ryan White Care Act Funding.  Does anyone want to actually acknowledge me in these findings and do something about this?  How about following the Yale Unversity Study : "“HIV and AIDS still affect a significant percentage of our population. We need to do something different to reach those people who are not being treated and to generally prevent new infections. Perhaps analyzing where money is being spent is the start for new ways to address HIV,” says Talbert-Slagle." --- still no resolve of these matters given to me in reply.

As this situation as a hashtagConspiracy is involved in the Ryan White Social Service agencies region to region, the outcome of this is an erosion of trust.  [ Per the Negative Outlook Cascade Aids Project Employee Review ] - What happends in this equation is what the Washington Post article titled "How the Erosion of Trust Leads to Murder and Mass Shootings" : I have a YouTube Actor Presentation of this Article Found here: How the Erosion Of hashtagSocialTrust Leads To Mass Shootings [ Washington Post ]

BTW: Here is how I look at things.  Without a response, your silence rings more truth that what I have to say here is the truth.  That there is a great big dark deep seeded secret that is involved in the social services agency side of this dysfunctional client interface that is bringing forward an erosion of trust in social services.  Which this erosion of trust collectively nationally disoriented against clients is negatively impacting our society in ways that no one ever thought.  In July of 2016, I wrote about this causation of loss of trust as it relates to mass shootings in an article I published on LinkedIn.  This shortcut gives both the written as well as a spoken voice text narrative interface [ ]  .  It was not until the following year, October that this correlation appeared in the Washington Post.  [ ] -- so go figure that perhaps I know what I am talking about?  Same too with hashtagConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP  and your silence gives consent to post the truth everywhere across the web until it is acknowledged. (edited)

James Driskill
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